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Marketing Academy: Event marketing

What is Event Marketing?

Event marketing is a promotional strategy that involves the planning, organization, and execution of events to engage, educate, or entertain a target audience while promoting a brand, product, or service. This marketing approach aims to create memorable experiences for attendees, fostering relationships and positive associations with the brand. Event marketing can take various forms, including conferences, trade shows, product launches, webinars, workshops, or even social gatherings. It is an effective way to build brand awareness, generate leads, establish thought leadership, and drive sales or customer loyalty.

Imagine event marketing as the life of the party – it's the charming, captivating, and unforgettable force that draws people together. Through its magnetic charm, event marketing serenades attendees with experiences designed to dazzle the senses, all while sneakily whispering sweet nothings about a brand, product, or service. With a wink and a smile, event marketing leaves an indelible impression, creating lasting connections and leaving a trail of brand enthusiasts in its wake.

Who is Event marketing best suited for and why should I incorporate it into my toolbox?

Picture this: It's a warm summer evening, and you're strolling through a bustling street fair. The aroma of delicious food fills the air, live music sets the mood, and friendly vendors showcase their unique products. This is where event marketing shines, engaging you in a memorable experience while promoting brands and businesses.

Take, for example, a small local brewery. They set up a booth at the fair to offer free samples of their latest craft beer. As you sip the refreshing brew, you strike up a conversation with the enthusiastic staff who share the story behind the brewery and their passion for quality beer. This interaction leaves you with a positive impression, making you more likely to seek out their products in the future.

Or consider a tech company launching a new cutting-edge smartphone. They organize an exclusive event, inviting tech influencers and enthusiasts to get a first-hand experience with the device. The attendees share their excitement on social media, creating a buzz around the product and generating organic conversations about the brand.

Event marketing is great for increasing brand awareness, fostering customer loyalty, and generating leads for businesses. From small startups to established corporations, businesses across various industries can benefit from event marketing. It's not just about promoting products or services; it's about creating a unique and personable experience that resonates with people and leaves a lasting impression.

Let's stick with the local brewery scenario, we'll name it Hopscotch Haven, and explore two event marketing ideas and create and execute a successful campaigns.

1. Hopscotch Haven Brewery Tours & Tasting Events:


  • Partner with local businesses or tour operators to create a unique brewery tour experience.

  • Offer guided tours of the brewing facility, sharing the history and craft behind the beer production.

  • Provide tasting sessions featuring a selection of beers, paired with locally sourced appetizers or snacks.

  • Offer exclusive, limited edition beers or merchandise for tour attendees to purchase.


  • Develop a promotional plan to target local beer enthusiasts and tourists, utilizing social media, local newspapers, and online event platforms.

  • Collaborate with local businesses or tour operators to cross-promote the event.

  • Train staff members to serve as knowledgeable and engaging tour guides.

  • Organize the brewing facility for tours, ensuring safety and cleanliness.

  • Set up a designated tasting area with branded materials to create an immersive experience.

2. Themed Beer Release Party:


  • Host a themed party at the brewery or a local venue to celebrate the release of a new seasonal beer.

  • Encourage attendees to dress up according to the theme, enhancing the overall atmosphere.

  • Offer food options from local food trucks or catering services that complement the beer flavors.

  • Organize live music or entertainment to create a festive environment.


  • Choose a theme that aligns with the new beer, the brewery's brand, or a significant local event or celebration.

  • Promote the event through social media, email marketing, and local media outlets.

  • Collaborate with local food trucks or catering services to provide food options.

  • Book local musicians or entertainers for live performances.

  • Decorate the venue with themed elements and branding materials, ensuring a memorable and Instagram-worthy experience.

By implementing these event marketing ideas, Hopscotch Haven can generate buzz around their brand, establish stronger connections with their audience, and ultimately increase sales and customer loyalty.

Ok, but do I really need Event Marketing?

Great question. While it's true that not every local brewery needs event marketing, incorporating event marketing strategies can provide a number of benefits for those looking to grow their business and increase brand awareness. Here are some reasons why a local brewery might consider utilizing event marketing:

  1. Brand Awareness: Hosting events and engaging with the community can help create a buzz around the brewery, attracting new customers and encouraging word-of-mouth marketing.

  2. Customer Loyalty: Events can foster a sense of community and personal connection with the brand, making customers more likely to return and recommend the brewery to others.

  3. Increased Sales: Unique events can draw in new customers who may not have otherwise visited the brewery, potentially leading to increased sales of beer and merchandise.

  4. Networking Opportunities: Participating in or hosting events provides an opportunity to network with other local businesses, suppliers, and industry professionals, which can lead to beneficial partnerships or collaborations.

  5. Showcasing Expertise: Brewery events, such as guided tours or tasting sessions, allow the business to showcase its expertise and passion for brewing, helping to establish a reputation as a quality beer producer.

While event marketing may require additional resources and effort, it can provide significant value for a local brewery looking to expand its reach, build a loyal customer base, and stand out in an increasingly competitive market. However, it's essential to carefully consider the brewery's goals, target audience, and available resources before deciding if event marketing is the right approach for their business.

Ok, I'm intrigued, how do I get started?

Great to hear that you're intrigued by the idea of event marketing. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Set clear objectives: Define the goals of the event marketing campaign, such as increasing brand awareness, driving sales, or fostering customer loyalty. Establish measurable targets to track progress and evaluate the success of the events.

  2. Identify the target audience: Determine the demographic and preferences of the brewery's ideal customer. This will help tailor the events to attract the right audience and maximize engagement.

  3. Brainstorm event ideas: Based on the objectives and target audience, brainstorm event concepts that align with the brewery's brand and offerings. Consider the types of experiences that would resonate with the audience and create memorable, shareable moments.

  4. Develop a budget: Outline the costs associated with hosting or participating in events, such as venue rental, staff wages, marketing materials, and entertainment. Develop a budget to ensure the events are financially feasible and offer a return on investment.

  5. Create a promotional plan: Develop a marketing strategy to promote the events, utilizing various channels such as social media, local media outlets, email marketing, and partnerships with local businesses or influencers.

  6. Plan and organize the event: Coordinate logistics such as securing a venue, booking entertainment, organizing food and beverages, and setting up branded materials. Train staff to provide exceptional service and ensure they are knowledgeable about the brewery and its products.

  7. Engage with attendees: During the events, engage with attendees through interactive activities, genuine conversations, and social media. Encourage guests to share their experiences online to amplify the impact of the events.

  8. Evaluate and refine: After each event, gather feedback from attendees, staff, and partners to identify areas for improvement. Analyze the results against the predefined objectives and make adjustments for future events as needed.

Great! I want to start, but what do I say in my promotional social posts and emails?

Creating compelling promotional content for social posts and emails is essential to generate interest and drive attendance for the events. Here are some tips and examples to help the local brewery craft engaging messages:

  1. Be clear and concise: Clearly state the event name, date, time, location, and purpose in the promotional content. Ensure that the information is easy to understand and digest.

Example social post: "Join us this Saturday, May 20th, for our Hops & Harmony Beer Release Party at Hopscotch Haven! 🍻 Celebrate the launch of our new summer ale with live music, food trucks, and great company. Doors open at 5 pm. See you there! #BeerReleaseParty #Hopscotch Haven"

2. Highlight the unique selling points: Emphasize what sets the event apart and why people should attend. Focus on the aspects that will appeal to the target audience.

Example email excerpt: "Get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at our brewing process during our Guided Brewery Tour & Tasting Event. Discover the story behind Hopscotch Haven, and taste our signature brews paired with delicious local bites!"

3. Use a strong call-to-action (CTA): Encourage readers to take action, such as purchasing tickets, RSVPing, or sharing the event with friends.

Example social post: "Tickets for our Brewmaster's Dinner are going fast! 🍽️ Secure your spot now for an unforgettable night of beer and food pairings. Click the link to buy your tickets today: [Ticket Link] #BrewmastersDinner #CraftBeer"

4. Create a sense of urgency: Use phrases that create a sense of urgency to encourage people to act quickly, such as "limited spots," "tickets selling fast," or "last chance."

Example email excerpt: "Don't miss out on our one-of-a-kind Barrel-Aged Beer Tasting event this Friday! Limited spots are available, so RSVP now to reserve your place and experience the rich flavors of our finest barrel-aged brews."

5. Leverage visuals and branding: Use high-quality images, videos, or graphics that reflect the brewery's brand and showcase the atmosphere of the event. Ensure that the visuals are consistent across all promotional materials.

What if my competitors are doing the same things - how do I stand out?

Good thought - If Pints Plus on the other side of town (Hopscotch Haven's main competitor) may be reading this marketing Academy lesson too.If Pints Plus is putting is also engaging in similar event marketing strategies, it's essential for Hopscotch Haven to find unique ways to stand out and create memorable experiences for customers. Here are some ideas:

  1. Collaborative events: Partner with local businesses, such as artisanal food producers, artists, or musicians, to create one-of-a-kind collaborative events. For instance, host a "Brews & Brushes" night where attendees can enjoy a painting class while sipping on your beers.

  2. Themed trivia nights: Organize themed trivia nights that cater to different interests and groups, such as pop culture, sports, or even beer-related trivia. This can attract a diverse crowd and encourage friendly competition among attendees.

  3. Community involvement: Show your commitment to the local community by participating in or sponsoring charitable events, fundraisers, or neighborhood clean-up initiatives. This can help build a positive brand image and create lasting connections with the community.

  4. Limited edition brews: Offer limited edition or small-batch brews that are exclusive to certain events or periods. This can generate buzz and encourage customers to visit your brewery for a chance to taste these unique creations.

  5. Personalization: Create personalized experiences for customers, such as offering custom beer flights based on individual preferences or hosting a "name the brew" contest where customers can suggest names for new beers and vote on their favorites.

  6. Sustainability initiatives: Emphasize eco-friendly practices in your brewing process and events, such as using locally-sourced ingredients, reducing waste, or supporting clean energy initiatives. This can attract environmentally-conscious customers and set you apart from competitors.

  7. Interactive brewery tours: Enhance your brewery tours by incorporating interactive elements, like hands-on brewing sessions, sensory tasting experiences, or even incorporating augmented reality technology to showcase the brewing process in an innovative way..

Wow, I'm excited to start. But, how do I build an audience?

Building an audience is a crucial step for Hopscotch Haven to ensure the success of their event marketing and business. Here are some strategies to help them grow their customer base and establish a loyal following:

  1. Leverage social media: Create engaging content on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Share updates about upcoming events, behind-the-scenes looks at the brewery, and highlights of past events. Use targeted ads and hashtags to reach a wider audience and encourage followers to share their experiences with their networks.

  2. Collaborate with influencers: Partner with local influencers or beer enthusiasts who can help promote Hopscotch Haven and its events. This can boost credibility and extend the reach of your marketing efforts.

  3. Create a website and email list: Develop a professional website with information about the brewery, its products, and upcoming events. Encourage visitors to sign up for an email newsletter to receive exclusive updates, discounts, and invitations to special events

  4. Attend local events and festivals: Participate in local beer festivals, farmers' markets, and community events to showcase Hopscotch Haven's products and build brand awareness. Offer free samples, promotional materials, or merchandise to create a memorable impression on attendees.

  5. Network with local businesses: Establish relationships with nearby restaurants, bars, and retailers that may be interested in carrying or promoting Hopscotch Haven's products. Collaborate on joint events or cross-promotional campaigns to reach new customers.

  6. Offer loyalty programs or incentives: Reward repeat customers with special deals, discounts, or exclusive access to events. This can help build a loyal customer base and encourage positive word-of-mouth referrals.

  7. Engage with customers: Foster a sense of community by engaging with customers both online and in-person. Respond to comments and messages on social media, and encourage conversation and feedback during events. Customers will appreciate the personal touch and feel more connected to the brand.

  8. Encourage user-generated content: Encourage customers to share their experiences at Hopscotch Haven events on social media by creating unique hashtags or hosting photo contests. This can help spread the word about the brewery and its events to a wider audience.

I don't have the time, skill set or the right employees to handle this. Who should I call?

If you don't have the time, skill set, or employees to handle video marketing in-house, there are If you don't have the time, skill set, or the right employees to handle event marketing and audience building, consider hiring a specialized agency or freelancers to help you. There are a few options to consider:

  1. Event Marketing Agency: These agencies specialize in planning, executing, and promoting events for businesses. They can handle everything from concept development to logistics, ensuring your events are well-organized and successful.

  2. Digital Marketing Agency: A digital marketing agency can help you build an online presence and audience through social media management, content creation, email marketing, and online advertising. They can work with you to create a cohesive marketing strategy for your brewery.

  3. Public Relations (PR) Agency: A PR agency can help you create a strong brand image and generate media coverage for your events and brewery. They can work on press releases, media outreach, and influencer partnerships to boost your brand's visibility.

  4. Freelancers: You can also hire freelancers with expertise in various fields, such as event planning, social media management, content creation, graphic design, and public relations. Platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer can help you find experienced professionals who can assist with specific aspects of your event marketing and audience building efforts.

Before Hopscotch Haven puts in the effort, is there any data that illustrates possible growth from using event marketing?

Absolutely! While specific growth metrics can vary depending on factors like industry, target audience, and the effectiveness of the event marketing strategy, there is data that supports the potential for growth and positive impact on businesses using event marketing. Here are some general statistics that highlight the benefits of event marketing:

  1. 95% of marketers agree that live events provide attendees with valuable opportunities to form in-person connections in an increasingly digital world (Endless Events).

  2. According to a study by the Event Marketing Institute, 74% of event attendees say they have a more positive opinion about the company, brand, product, or service being promoted after the event.

  3. 52% of business leaders believe that event marketing drives more ROI than any other marketing channel (Bizzabo).

  4. A study by the Harvard Business Review found that customers who participated in a brand's event spent 30% more on the brand than customers who did not attend.

  5. 91% of consumers have more positive feelings about a brand after attending events and experiences (EventTrack).

  6. 70% of users become regular customers after a successful experiential marketing event (Event Marketing Institute).

  7. According to Bizzabo, 80% of businesses believe that live events are crucial to their company's success.

While these statistics demonstrate the potential benefits of event marketing, it's essential to develop a strategy tailored to Hopscotch Haven's specific goals, target audience, and resources. By doing so, you can maximize the chances of success and growth for your business through event marketing initiatives.

I'd like to plan an event. What software tools should I consider?

There are numerous software tools available to help streamline and manage various aspects of event marketing. Here's a list of some popular tools that can be beneficial for your event marketing efforts:

  1. Eventbrite: A popular event registration and ticketing platform that allows you to create, promote, and manage your events easily. It offers features like custom event pages, ticket sales, and reporting tools.

  2. Constant Contact: An email marketing tool that helps you create and send targeted email campaigns to your audience. It also provides analytics and automation features to optimize your email marketing efforts.

  3. Hootsuite: A social media management platform that allows you to schedule, publish, and monitor content across multiple social media channels, making it easier to manage your online presence and engage with your audience.

  4. Canva: A graphic design tool that lets you create visually appealing promotional materials, social media posts, and event invitations without the need for advanced design skills.

  5. Trello: A project management tool that can help you organize and track the progress of your event marketing tasks, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and on schedule.

  6. Google Analytics: A web analytics tool that provides insights into your website traffic, allowing you to measure the effectiveness of your event promotion efforts and make data-driven decisions.

  7. SurveyMonkey: An online survey tool that helps you gather feedback from event attendees, enabling you to evaluate the success of your event marketing campaigns and identify areas for improvement.

  8. Slack: A communication platform that can help you streamline collaboration and communication among your team members, ensuring everyone stays up-to-date on the progress of your event marketing initiatives.

  9. Buffer: Another social media management tool that simplifies content scheduling and analytics across various social media platforms, helping you maintain a consistent online presence and track the performance of your social media campaigns.

  10. Event management platforms like Bizzabo, Cvent, or Whova: These all-in-one solutions offer features for event registration, ticketing, attendee management, event marketing, and reporting.


Event marketing offers a powerful opportunity for businesses like Hopscotch Haven to stand out in a competitive landscape, create memorable experiences for their customers, and foster brand loyalty. By setting clear objectives, identifying the target audience, and developing unique and engaging events, businesses can differentiate themselves and create a lasting impact on their customers.

Building an audience is crucial for the success of event marketing initiatives, and leveraging social media, collaborations, and community involvement can help achieve that. For businesses that lack the time or skill set to handle event marketing internally, partnering with specialized agencies or freelancers can be an effective solution.

Data supports the potential for growth and positive impact on businesses using event marketing, with studies showing increased ROI, customer spending, and positive brand perception among attendees. By developing a tailored event marketing strategy, businesses like Hopscotch Haven can capitalize on these benefits and drive success for their brand in the long run.

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